Japanese people have a habit of loving health , so they often choose to eat food that is beneficial to the body. There is a proverb that says that eating these foods regularly will keep you away from the doctor. Because you won’t get sick and you won’t have to go see a doctor for treatment. Let’s get to know the fruits and vegetables that Japanese people compare with these proverbs.
Eat fruits and vegetables every day to keep your body healthy and away from disease.
- persimmon
The persimmon proverb is 柿の医者いらず(Kaki no ishairazu) , which means if you eat persimmons you don’t need a doctor.
Persimmons are a fruit rich in vitamin C (70 micrograms per 100 grams of persimmon), which is twice as much as mandarin oranges. Vitamin A (35 micrograms per 100 grams of persimmons) Both vitamin C and vitamin A when Together they will help fight free radicals. Make your skin beautiful Persimmons are also rich in B vitamins and folic acid, which are good for the body. It is also rich in potassium (170 milligrams per 100 grams of persimmon), which helps flush out excess salt from the ทางเข้า ufabet body. Helps prevent cardiovascular disease high blood pressure and reduces edema well
- apple
The apple proverb is 一日一個のリンゴで医者を遠ざける (Ichinichi ikko no ringo de isha o tōzakeru), which means that eating one apple a day will keep you away from the doctor.
Apples are a fruit rich in potassium, which helps prevent diseases caused by daily living. such as heart disease and high blood pressure Citric acid, which helps relieve fatigue Polyphenols, which are abundant in the peel, are antioxidants that help prevent diseases caused by daily living. and helps delay aging
The radish proverb is 大根の医者いらず (Daikon no ishairazu), which means that if you eat radishes, especially grated radishes, regularly, you won’t need a doctor
Grated radishes are rich in isothiocyanate. (Isothiocyanate) which has the property of killing bacteria. And helps strengthen the body’s immune system. It is also rich in the enzyme amylase, which helps relieve stomach pain and burning sensations in the chest and epigastric area. Grated radishes are also rich in vitamins C, E, and K. They are also rich in dietary fiber, which helps relieve constipation.
Eating grated radishes provides maximum health benefits. Should be eaten after freshly grated. Because if you leave it for more than 15 minutes, the spicy flavor that has the ability to kill bacteria in the grated radish will evaporate.
- tomato
The proverb for tomatoes isトマトが赤くなると医者が青くなる(Tomato ga akakunaru to isha ga aoku naru), which means when tomatoes turn red, the doctor will turn green. (Probably referring to the doctor’s face which was so pale that it changed color.)
Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which is a powerful antioxidant. Helps prevent diseases caused by daily living and helps delay aging. Vitamin C, which makes the skin strong and beautiful. and citric acid, which helps relieve fatigue well
In addition to the aforementioned vegetables and fruits, plums, oranges, and aloe vera are also known as foods that, if eaten regularly, keep you away from illness. However, just one type of food cannot make the body strong. Therefore, it is necessary to eat a variety of foods to get a balanced amount of nutrients into the body. Moreover, you must eat the right amount, not too much.